Free Video Games

All of the following games were produced by Alien Software, which -- alas -- has gone out of business.
The games are avialable as the downloads presented here.  These games are copyright Alien Software.

Important:  Some of the games may talk about a full version or a registered version.  DO NOT attempt to register these games or buy the full version.  Alien Software has gone out of business and a full version was never produced.  This is all there is.  Really.

Ask Vacmatio     Ask Vacmatio Online Experience:  Ask your questions and let the Grand Malefactor answer them.  

Super Cart Rider     Super Cart Rider:  Strange.  

  NEOPHYTE: The Journey Begins:  The adventures of Thael, a neophyte warrior.

This is Koplio  NEOPHYTE: Koplio's Story:  The adventures of Koplio, a neophyte mage.

Neika!    NEOPHYTE Engine Demo:  A demo of the new engine, starring Neika.   

This is Neika  NEOPHYTE: The Spirit Master:  The adventures of Neika, a neophyte shaman.

Voxel Demo  Voxel Flying Demo:  A small demo of a flier. Not a game.

Sven Dixon  A Tribute to Sven Dixon:  Artist of the Neophyte series.

Neophyte Videos  Neophyte Videos:  The lost videos of the Neophyte series, distributed on the DCs, but never before available online.